Meet Lancaster’s Best Team: Ashley Corbett

Meet the team

Meet one of our Team Leaders, Ashley Corbett

Video Transcript:

Hi! I am Ashley Corbett. I got into real estate in 2014 and shortly after I married the best man on the planet, and now we have a little two and a half year old running around. He’s amazing. I come from two really large families, so family is super important to me. So I’ve always had this itch to help people. I just always thought that’s what I wanted to do. I just want to help people.

And so I was actually in social work for six years, but I also had this itch to be in business, and so real estate was a natural fit. I get to help people and I get to be in business, so it really allows me to scratch both of those itches. So as a realtor, you run your own small business, and it just made sense for Doug and I to run our businesses together, as a team.

Our skillsets just really compliment each other. And we were having so much fun and we were just doing so well in business, that growth happened really naturally. My husband and I love to travel. I could probably talk about this forever, but something about the joy that you get from pushing your body from pushing your mind from learning new things when you travel, we just can’t get enough. I would say we are travel junkies or experienced junkies at least. We love it.

So in real estate, we get to help buyers and sellers. I primarily am working with sellers at this point and with investor clients, but I just love helping anyone, especially people that I know, my friends and family. It’s a real honor when I get to help someone that I care about.


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